There’s a buzz in the tech world right now about the metaverse. The excitement and anticipation are genuine, and the buzz is, well, confusing. The enthusiasm has hit like a tsunami, similar to what we witnessed with NFTs, and many people are confused by it. And just what is this thing called the “metaverse,” anyway? […]

A good buddy of mine is a major fan of the Microsoft Flight Simulator. From the comfort of his own home, he may enjoy the excitement of piloting a variety of powerful aircraft across a wide range of terrain and climate conditions. In the Metaverse, an integrated network of 3D virtual worlds he flies about […]

One of the most severe concerns for marketers today is customer engagement. Why? It’s a primary goal of marketing: to cultivate long-term connections with consumers so that they will select your company above the competition, utilize and profit from your product or service, and return to buy more. Your consumers must be engaged for you […]

Supply Chain Resilience

In today’s changing environment, building supply chain resiliency is more crucial than ever. Wise technology selection and implementation choices will support the capacity to withstand interruptions, continue business as usual operations, and expand. The smooth operations of a firm, its agility, and its profitability all depend on effective supply chain management. Supply chain management requires […]

Despite pandemic recovery and supply chain challenges, inflation is on the rise in the United States. There has been an increase in the cost of everyday consumer items due to rising material and labor costs, energy prices, and interest rates. Inflation rose by 8.5% in March 2022, the highest rate since 1981, according to the […]

service delivery management

The role of service delivery managers is critical in every company. They are the primary entities responsible for ensuring that customers are satisfied with their customer service offerings. Being well-versed in the fundamentals of service delivery management, these experts possess the necessary qualifications and are in a position to take on such obligations. Managers of […]

Customers have always used a variety of digital avenues to reach out to companies, even before the pandemic. When COVID made it hard for customers to go into shops they could only shop online, engaging with businesses through email, chat, and phone calls, putting a strain on customer sales & support personnel new to working […]

Real-time supply chain execution is a goal for the most advanced participants in the supply chain. 60% of chief supply chain officers, according to a Gartner report, expect to make faster, more informed, and more accurate choices in real-time. Real-time decision-making, on the other hand, requires a thorough understanding of the supply chain’s current state […]

eCommerce Platform

Commerce was thriving until COVID-19 forced some companies to close their doors. Now in a post-pandemic world where curbside pick-ups are common and instant delivery is expected, eCommerce is an extraordinarily effective tool for expanding your company, and ensuring survival. In fact, in 2022, eCommerce revenues will reach $5 trillion for the first time. Choosing […]